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Empires of the Twenty-First Century

Alasdair Roberts



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Polity Press
09 March 2023
In this century, the world will conduct an extraordinary experiment in government. In 2050, forty percent of the planet's population will live in just four places: India, China, the European Union, and the United States. These are superstates – polities that are distinguished from normal countries by expansiveness, population, diversity, and complexity. 

How should superstates be governed? What must their leaders do to hold these immense polities together in the face of extraordinary strains and shocks? Alasdair Roberts looks to history for answers. Superstates, he contends, wrestle with the same problems of leadership, control, and purpose that plagued empires for centuries. But they also bear heavier burdens than empires – including the obligation to improve life for ordinary people and respect human rights.

One axiom of history was that empires always died. Size and complexity led to fragility, and imperial rulers improvised constantly to put off the day of reckoning. Leaders of superstates are doing the same today, pursuing radically different strategies for governing at scale that have profound implications for democracy and human rights. History shows that there are ways to govern these sprawling and diverse polities well. But this requires a different way of thinking about the art and methods of statecraft.
Imprint:   Polity Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 226mm,  Width: 150mm,  Spine: 15mm
Weight:   340g
ISBN:   9781509544486
ISBN 10:   1509544488
Pages:   224
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
About the Author 1.  The Experiment 2.  Empires Always Die 3.  Are Superstates More Durable? 4. The United States: An Old Hazard Returns 5.  India: The Centralizing Reflex 6.  China: Authoritarian Dilemmas 7.  The European Union: Cohesion without Coercion 8.  The COVID Test 9.  How to Rule a Superstate Acknowledgments Notes

Alasdair Roberts is a professor of public policy at University of Massachusetts Amherst. His previous books include Can Government Do Anything Right? published by Polity in 2019. He is a Fellow of the US National Academy of Public Administration. His website is

Reviews for Superstates: Empires of the Twenty-First Century

Analysts focus on what the world's largest and most powerful countries can do to confront climate change, pandemics, and other dangerous threats. Roberts's Superstates flips the script and asks how these threats will affect the structure, borders, and even existence of the world's most populous countries. Drawing from the history of empire, the book is a sobering warning of the difficulties our unprecedentedly complex 'superstates' will face to survive the next century unscathed. -Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group A fascinating and provocative account of the governance challenges facing the rulers of today's four 'superstates,' who must grapple not only with the issues that have beset imperial rulers over the centuries, but also those arising from modern technology and culture. -Christopher Hood, University of Oxford Superstates looks ahead at the future of governance, where more and more people will be crammed into a few massive polities. Roberts shrewdly considers the lessons from past empires and the challenges of running a modern nation state. The result is an extraordinarily accessible, insightful and challenging field guide to governance around the world in the coming decades. -Donald Moynihan, Georgetown University Alasdair Roberts has done it again! Superstates is a provocative read built on fascinating historical and contemporary evidence that any history or political science student will enjoy. -Trent Engbers, University of Southern Indiana In Superstates, Al Roberts makes a bold and intriguing argument that four large governmental systems are poised to dominate the twenty-first century. With a careful eye to history and a forward-leaning look to the mid-century and beyond, he explores the big themes that are destined to shape the often wild and raucous debates about the future of governance. -Donald F. Kettl, Professor Emeritus and Former Dean, University of Maryland School of Public Policy Are Superstates governance utopias or dystopias? And are they self-denying or self-fullfilling? We, the people, want to know. This book makes us understand what to do, and even more, what not to do. -Geert Bouckaert, KU Leuven Public Governance Institute This book is expertly informed, extensively well documented, crafted for interesting study, and importantly useful for professional and popular understanding. -International Journal of Public Administration

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