Mark Schapiro has won numerous journalism prizes for his investigative work, including the du Pont-Columbia University Award. He is the author of two widely praised books on urgent environmental issues, Carbon Shock and Exposed. His articles have been published in The Atlantic, Harpers, Mother Jones and The Guardian, and his documentary work has been featured on PBS's Frontline.
“Seeds of Resistance is a wake-up call. With vivid and memorable stories, Mark Schapiro tells us how seeds are at the frontlines of our epic battle for healthy food.” —Alice Waters, founder of Chez Panisse and the Edible Schoolyard “At the bottom of it all lies the seed: who controls it, who ‘owns’ it, who develops it, who plants and nourishes it. As Mark Schapiro so vividly and compellingly writes: Save the seed, and you save the planet. Let others control it, and they control everything. For real.” —Mark Bittman, author of How to Grill Everything and A Bone to Pick: The Good and Bad News About Food “If you like food and want to keep eating it, Seeds of Resistance tells a story you should know about. Over the next ten years and beyond, humanity is going to need seeds that can produce food even as global warming makes heat waves, droughts, and downpours increasingly worse. Those seeds are out there, Mark Schapiro’s globe-straddling reporting shows, championed by indigenous peoples, independent scientists, and small-scale farmers. But the three mega-corporations that are attempting to monopolize the world’s seed supply have a very different agenda. I won’t reveal how the story ends, except to say that you, dear reader, are part of it.” —Mark Hertsgaard, author of Hot and Earth Odyssey, and environment correspondent for The Nation