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Let's Face It, America

Angela Dirtyface

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Angela Dirtyface
23 March 2023
The abandonment of war veterans in the USA, what a shining example of patriotism and gratitude. Who needs to take care of those who risked their lives for their country anyway? It's not like they deserve a little support after being deployed to dangerous and traumatic situations. I mean, why spend money on veterans' healthcare or mental health treatment when you can use it for more important things like tax breaks for the wealthy or funding for unnecessary military equipment? It's not like war veterans are important members of society who deserve our respect and support. And let's not forget, they knew what they were signing up for when they joined the military, right? It's not like they were promised care and support for their service to their country. They should just suck it up and deal with their physical and mental injuries on their own, without any assistance from the government they risked their lives to protect. So, let's just continue to ignore the needs of our war veterans, because who cares about the sacrifices they made for our country, right? It's not like they deserve better treatment after serving their country with honor and distinction. Let's just pretend they don't exist and hope they magically disappear, while we enjoy our comfortable lives without any consequences of war. Sounds like a great plan to me. Let's face it, America. Angela

CHAPTERS: War veterans - Fast food - Football - The national debt - Guns - Apple products - Hollywood - Social media - Capitalism - Reality TV - Baseball - Nationalism - Shopping - Coca-Cola - BBQ - Disney - College football - The military - Christmas - Patriotism - Reality distortion fields - Las Vegas - Hollywood celebrities - Convenience stores - The American Dream - Income inequality - Bacon - Hollywood award shows - Strip mall - The for-profit prison - Fast fashion - Poor healthcare services - Social media influencers - The Fourth of July - Thanksgiving - Silicon Valley - American exceptionalism - Corn - Sports fandom - Corporate culture - The Electoral College - The American healthcare system - Police brutality - The big box stores - The rise of cyberbullying - Higher education - Opioid epidemic - The crumbling infrastructure - The lack of affordable childcare - Income inequality - Racial discrimination - Homelessness - The gender pay gap - Climate change denial - The lack of affordable housing - The failing public education system - Gun violence - The lack of access to healthy food - The privatization of essential services - The student loan crisis - The high cost of prescription drugs - The lack of mental health resources - The corruption in government - The need for immigration reform - The deteriorating public transportation system - The inadequate response to domestic terrorism - Domestic violence - The rise of misinformation and fake news - The rise of extremist ideologies - The rise of white nationalism - The need for campaign finance reform - The overuse of pesticides and herbicides - The inadequate response to climate change - Privacy - Pollution - Disappearing bees - E-waste - Animal rights

Imprint:   Angela Dirtyface
Volume:   1
Dimensions:   Height: 229mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 15mm
Weight:   386g
ISBN:   9798215336168
Series:   My Sarcastic Life
Pages:   260
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the adoring public begging for a piece of Angela Dirtyface's exceptional life story. Fine, here it is, straight from the horse's mouth (that's me, Angela, in case you didn't catch that). I'm Angela Dirtyface, the master of my own universe, the queen of self-reliance, and the poster child for going it alone. They say nobody's perfect, but clearly, they haven't met me. I mean, I've single-handedly climbed the mountain of success, without so much as a nod to the plebeians below. Can you say ""impressive""? It's been a long journey to the top, and you know what they say: it's lonely up here. But that's fine by me, because I'm all I need to keep myself company. I've spent countless hours honing my craft, perfecting my words, and polishing my prose. And guess what? I did it all by myself. That's right, no shoulder to cry on, no one to hold my hand, and no one to steal my thunder. My writing is a veritable smorgasbord of biting satire, scathing social commentary, and caustic humor. My audience? Nothing more than passive observers in my grand journey to self-actualization. So buckle up, buttercup, because it's my story, my triumph, and my glory. You're just along for the ride. As the embodiment of all things sarcastic and satirical, I've amassed a vast body of work that spans the gamut from mildly amusing to downright hilarious. So be prepared for a wild ride through Angela Dirtyface's world, where everything is fair game, and no one is safe from my razor-sharp wit. In conclusion, if you want a front-row seat to the captivating life and times of yours truly, Angela Dirtyface, you've come to the right place. Just don't forget who's in charge around here. After all, it's my world, and you're just living in it. Oh, and one last thing: don't bother singing my praises. I already know how great I am. MWAH! A great kiss for me. Angela"

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