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Head lice, the worm, the bat, the rat.. Learn about these, often considered,disgusting creaturesin this hilarious illustratednonfiction series by award winning author and illustrator, Elise Gravel!

En la coleccin Animalejos encontraremos a animales de los que no se suele hablar. Algunos dicen que son feos y otros que son desagradables. El piojo, el gusano, el murcilago, la rata...

Todos los detalles que siempre quisiste saber sobre estos animales contados con mucho humor por la autora e ilustradora mundialmente reconocida, Elise Gravel!

Do you know the difference between a mouse and a rat? Did you know that rats are true athletes that can swim, jump high and run very fast?

Do you know what they use their sharp teeth and long tails for? In any case, whenever you see one, remember to treat it well because they are very intelligent creatures.. and who knows.. it might even be help you with your homework!

Cules son las diferencias entre un ratn y una rata? Sabas que las ratas son autnticas atletas que pueden nadar, saltar muy alto o correr muy rpido? Quiz te interese para qu utilizan sus afilados dientes o su larga cola... En todo caso, siempre que veas a una, recuerda tratarla bien porque son muy inteligentes y quin sabe! a lo mejor puede ayudarte a hacer los deberes.
Country of Publication:   Spain
Dimensions:   Height: 150mm,  Width: 210mm, 
ISBN:   9788418599637
ISBN 10:   8418599634
Series:   Animalejos
Pages:   36
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 6 years
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  English as a second language
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Elise Gravel is an award-winning author/illustrator from Quebec. She is the winner of 2020 Governor General's Award for Children's Illustration in French, and is well-known in Quebec for her original, wacky picture books. Having completed her studies in graphic design, Elise found herself quickly swept up into the world of illustration. Her old design habits drive her to work a little text here and there into her drawings and she loves to handle the design of her assignments from start to finish. She has published more than 30 titles that have been translated into 12 languages.

Reviews for Rata (Spanish)

The illustrations of this informative Spanish-language picture book play to children’s funny bones, featuring goofy rat ballerinas and the polite introduction of one Rattus Rattus to his rodent cousin. Learning about a maligned species has never been such silly fun! – Forward Reviews

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