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Geometrias da Alma Uma Viagem ao Cora��o do Universo Arcturiano

Luan Ferr

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Ahzuria Publishing
29 February 2024

""Geometrias da Alma: Uma Viagem ao Cora��o do Universo Arcturiano"" desdobra-se como uma jornada extraordin�ria al�m das fronteiras do entendimento espiritual que conhecemos, adentrando o cosmos enigm�tico dos Arcturianos. Este livro convida os leitores a mergulhar em uma explora��o de dimens�es espirituais vastas e �ntimas, iluminando os enigmas dos C�digos Sagrados Arcturianos. Destinado a ser um farol para aqueles em busca de cura, metamorfose e eleva��o espiritual, ele oferece estrat�gias tang�veis para integrar sabedorias ancestrais ao tecido da vidas moderna, promovendo uma profunda jornada de cura e ascens�o espiritual dentro da espiritualidade Arcturiana.


""Geometrias da Alma"" � seu convite para uma odiss�ia transformadora, onde o saber milenar dos Arcturianos emerge como um guia luminoso, oferecendo esperan�a para almas em busca de ilumina��o e eleva��o espiritual. Desvende os C�digos Sagrados Arcturianos que seguram as chaves para a cura, avan�o espiritual e equil�brio c�smico. Com uma narrativa envolvente e pr�ticas acess�veis, este livro tra�a um roteiro para a transcend�ncia e o renascimento espiritual. Esteja pronto para explorar os recessos mais profundos de seu ser e liberar o poder ilimitado que reside no cora��o do universo Arcturiano, guiando-o em sua jornada de cura e eleva��o espiritual."

Imprint:   Ahzuria Publishing
Dimensions:   Height: 216mm,  Width: 140mm,  Spine: 9mm
Weight:   204g
ISBN:   9798223452645
Pages:   154
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Luan Ferr is a renowned author known for his mastery in writing fictional short stories that immerse readers in fascinating worlds, memorable characters, and engaging narratives. His ability to create stories that explore the eternal struggle between good and evil is unparalleled, offering readers a unique perspective on this universal conflict. In addition to his fictional works, Luan also dedicates himself to in-depth research on the phenomena of faith and its intrinsic connection to the human condition. He explores the various forms of esotericism and holism that have permeated humanity since time immemorial, revealing the profound influence of these practices in everyday life and cultures around the world. His books on subjects such as Feng Shui, Arcturian Healing, and others are the result of meticulous research and provide readers with a comprehensive view of these fascinating areas. With captivating and insightful writing, Luan Ferr leads his readers to profound reflections on human nature, the duality between good and evil, and the pursuit of a broader understanding of the world around us. His fictional short stories are filled with suspense, mystery, and thrilling plot twists, keeping readers eagerly wanting more with every page. Meanwhile, his non-fiction works explore esoteric fields in an accessible and interesting manner, showing how these ancient practices still exist today. With a unique style and a balanced approach between fiction and non-fiction, Luan Ferr establishes himself as a universal and profound author. His works are a source of entertainment and knowledge, providing readers with an enriching and thought-provoking experience. Whether through his imaginative stories or his esoteric explorations, Luan continues to captivate readers worldwide with his engaging and insightful writing.

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