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Frank Lowy de Di Er Shengming

Frank Lowy a Second Life Chinese

Margo, Jill & Wang, Addy & Wang, Wei



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02 July 2018

弗兰克.洛伊的第二生命 本书特色

▲ 在新世纪通过不断应变的资本运作和金融创新,领导企业发展并把西田塑造成了全球公认的购物中心标杆品牌;
▲ 把澳大利亚足球从亏损蹒跚的逆境中带向可持续发展的主流运动, 并融入亚洲大家庭;
▲ 创建了澳大利亚极具影响力的国家智库——洛伊研究所,作为回馈和感恩国家的礼物;  近些年来,弗兰克•洛伊一直位居澳大利亚富豪榜的前几名。他从一个在纳粹大屠杀中幸存下来的犹太难民孩子到亿万富翁的故事,成了澳大利亚的传奇。
▲ 在新世纪通过不断应变的资本运作和金融创新,领导企业发展并把西田塑造成了全球公认的购物中心标杆品牌;
▲ 把澳大利亚足球从亏损蹒跚的逆境中带向可持续发展的主流运动, 并融入亚洲大家庭;
▲ 创建了澳大利亚极具影响力的国家智库——洛伊研究所,作为回馈和感恩国家的礼物;
▲ 完成了他长期未能实现的精神夙愿——以一种独特的方式“安葬”了他的父亲,也是对死于奥斯维辛集中营的50万匈牙利犹太人的共同的纪念。



弗兰克.洛伊的第二生命 内容简介

▲ 西田购物中心高效资本运作的深入剖析 2000~2015年,西田购物中心数量从*时的128个降为87个,而资本价值却从200亿美元上升为700亿美元,成为全球价值*的购物中心集团公司。
▲ 弗兰克•洛伊管理理念的全方位解读 被誉为当代国际商业房地产教父拥有高超稳健又不失创新的管理理念,它们不仅造就西田的辉煌,而且在复兴澳大利亚足球、创建智库和打造疾病研究团队等领域都有获得了极大的成功。
▲ 揭秘澳大利亚足球崛起背后的引路人的运筹帷幄 80高龄接任足协主席的弗兰克,一手将澳大利亚足球从泥潭中拉出,建立良性运营的联赛体系,融入亚洲足球圈并取得不俗成绩,呕心沥血在国际足坛留下印迹,无奈申办世界杯功亏一篑。
▲ 本书既是一部跌宕起伏、极具可读性的名人传记,又是一部富含商业案例和管理智慧的经营宝典。


About the Book

(originally published in English by HarperCollins Publishers Australia June 2015)

The brand new second volume of the biography of one of Australia's richest, most active and most influential men, Frank Lowy - an extraordinary story of challenge and achievement.

Depending on the day, Frank Lowy is either the richest or the second richest man in Australia. His story - from refugee to multi-billionaire - has become part of Australian folklore. Now in his mid 80s, Frank Lowy is still a juggernaut. Since 2000, when his first biography, the bestselling Pushing the Limits, was published, he's kept pushing ahead. Rather than retreating into retirement, Frank Lowy has in fact achieved more in his 'second life' than most do in a lifetime.

He has turned Westfield into one of the largest retail property company in the world, dominating retail in London and Australia. He transformed Australian soccer from an insolvent shambles to a profitable mainstream sport. He created Australia's first foreign policy think tank, the Lowy Institute, which has had an impact on the world stage. When his son faced an incurable eye disease, Lowy responded by establishing an international institute to research the disease. Finally, he completed some long unfinished spiritual business by finding an extraordinary way to 'bury' his father, while commemorating the half a million Hungarian Jews who perished at Auschwitz-Birkenau.


Although he continued to drive Westfield to be ever more profitable, personal wealth was not a motivator in Lowy's second life. It was all about intangible enrichment, of himself and of others. Covering his successes and failures, the controversies and the triumphs, Frank Lowy: A Second Life gives rare insight into this extraordinary man, his strategies, his pain and his achievements.


'Creative non-fiction at its very best ... Margo has approached [Lowy's life] as would a story-teller. And this approach makes A Second Life one of the most enjoyable biographies it's possible to read. This is biography on steroids, as entertaining as a good novel, as informative as an encyclopaedia.' Jewish News

ISBN:   9787508687889
ISBN 10:   7508687884
Publication Date:  
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

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