Fred Small (Author)Fred Small is a singer-songwriter,activist and Unitarian Universalistminister. He originally trained as alawyer but left his job to pursue acareer in music. In 1983, Fred wrotehis classic song EverythingPossible . Recorded and madefamous by the iconic gay male acappella group the Flirtations, thesong has travelled around theworld. Fred is a passionate advocatefor equality, inclusion andenvironmental justice. He and hisfamily live near Boston in the USA Alison Brown (Illustrator) Alison Brown grew up in NorthernIreland and studied Fine Art inLiverpool, England. Before becominga full-time illustrator and writer, shedid many other jobs, includingteaching, working in a bookshop, andas a designer in an advertisingagency. Alison's books have beentranslated into fifteen languages. Shewas so inspired by the lyrics andmessage of Everything Possible thatshe knew she hadto illustrate it! Alison lives with herfamily in Leeds.