Gale L. Kenny is Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion at Barnard College. She is the author of Contentious Liberties: American Abolitionists in Post-emancipation Jamaica, 1837-1866.
"""Through close examinations of a wide range of practices from mission study to pageants to committee meetings to worship services, Christian Imperial Feminism reveals the ways that Protestant women embraced a Christian cosmopolitanism that simultaneously embraced diversity and sought to manage it…. A thoughtful exploration of Protestant churchwomen as full people with good intentions and deep flaws who took action in a world that they thought they understood far better than they actually did, with effects that they could not always predict."" -- Emily Conroy Krutz, Christian Imperialism: Converting the World in the Early American Republic ""Expertly written…. Will be of most interest to historians, particularly those working on missions, Christian women, and US Christianity in the twentieth century."" -- Hillary Kaell, author of Walking Where Jesus Walked: American Christians and Holy Land Pilgrimage"